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Central Board of Secondary Education has uploaded the OMR answer sheet of each student, who had appeared in AIEEE offline exam, on its website. This enables the students to challenge the board in case any of the answers differ from the one they marked during the offline test. However the absence of right answers on it has left many candidates baffled as there is no reference for the students to know their own performance. However it has been clarified that the answer sheets of the students have only been uploaded so that they may verify if it was their answer sheet and they could challenge the board in case any of the answers differ from the one they marked during the offline test. The privilege is not available for the candidates who appeared in online test.
The scanned images of answersheets can be checked on its website www.cbse.nic.in and www.aieee.nic.in. If a candidate wants to challenge the uploaded answer sheets, he / she can submit an application at any of the CBSE regional offices or at AIEEE unit at Patparganj, Delhi-92, on or before June 6 till 12 noon, along with the prescribed fees of Rs 500 per recorded response challenged.