Amity’s Management Programs Receive Accreditation From ACBSP of USA

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Amity School of Business, Amity Business School and Amity International Business School of Faculty of Management Studies (FMS), Amity University Uttar Pradesh (AUUP) have become the first institutions in North India to have received the accreditation from Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), USA for their management programmes.

ACBSP accredited FMS has become a part of Global Education Network with 470 ACBSP accredited campuses across the globe. The accreditation would provide FMS, AUUP with access to exchange programs, research programs and cultural enrichment with other member institutions. With ACBSP’s student -centric teaching and learning approach, the students would get global recognition.The faculty members of FMS would also become the part of global network of ACBSP accredited faculty and could even apply for international teaching.

ACBSP accreditation will help FMS to nurture graduates who are employable in global marketplace and equip students to solve multi-disciplinary problems with their leadership and decision making abilities. Students would get access to the publications of ACBSP including “Business Education Week” which would update them with the latest management trends and best practices across the globe and the selected few could participate to prepare self study modules and become mentors for other B-schools.

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