List/Grid Author Archives: careerholic

Another Shady US University Shut Down For Immigration Fraud
After the Tri-Valley University of US which was shutdown by immigration authorities in 2011 for indulging into visa fraud, now another such school, operating on the similar mode but attracted…

47% Graduates In India Are Unemployable For Any Job : Survey
According to a report by Aspiring Minds, published as findings of a survey probably first of its kind, conducted over around 60,000 graduates studying 3 year bachelors degree from all…

JEE Advanced Test Had Two Ambiguous Questions
There has been a luck factor for those who would not be in the list of 5000 odd students out of 1.5 lakhs who would be making it to the…

CBSE Declares Top 20 Percentile Cut Off Score For JEE Candidates
With the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) declaring Senior Secondary Certificate Exam i.e. Class XII results on Monday as other state eduction boards to also follow it, the CBSE…

MBA And Management Entrance Exams At A Glance
These days MBA and Management courses are becoming popular particularly among the people with professional qualifications like engineering and medical. However, there are only few of them whose name keep…