List/Grid Author Archives: careerholic

CUSAT To Start Soft Skills Coaching in Engineering 1st Sem
The present practice in engineering colleges under Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT), of providing orientation and soft skill development courses for a week during the final semester, just…

AP Task Force On Technical Education To Check The Quality & Facilities
Andhra Pradesh government has formed a Task Force to check the facilities and quality of education imparted in professional colleges like engineering which would begin its work soon. The meeting…

University of Technology & Management, Shillong Granting Fees Concession
University of Technology and Management (UTM), Shillong, has opened admissions in order to accommodate those students from North East whose studies may have been affected by the recent disturbances in…

IGNOU Launches PG Diploma in Food Science
The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is launching a new program — postgraduate diploma in food science and technology (PGDFT) at its School of Agriculture. The aim of this…

JEE Advanced Paper Shall have Objective Format
The joint admission board (JAB) of IITs has decided that the JEE-Advanced paper will have only multiple-choice questions (MCQs). The decision of sticking to only MCQs in JEE-Advanced had to…