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Taking student-centric decision, Maharashtra’s Minister of School Education Rajendra Darda had instructed Maharashtra State Board Secondary and Higher Secondary Education to change dates of Biology and Chemistry of HSC examination. Now Board further changed the dates of Mathematics and Economics.
Now, Mathematics which was scheduled to be held on March 1 would be held on March 4 (11AM to 2PM) and Economics would be held on March 17 (3PM to 6PM) that was earlier scheduled to be held on March 4. Now Biology paper will be held on March 17 instead of March 4 while the Chemistry paper will be conducted on March 26 instead o February 27.
Darda, in Mumbai, had already made it clear that the changes had been made in HSC Science on the lines of CBSE because of which time gap was demanded.
HSC examination will be conducted as per schedule between February 21 and March 26.