IIT – Kanpur Accepts JEE as ‘Interim’ Measure

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At a meeting on Saturday, IIT- Kanpur senate, which was the first to reject the Joint Entrance Test (JEE) in the new format with proposal to give percentage weightage to board marks for admission to undergraduate programs in engineering to premium institutes, resolved to accept the new compromise formula as an “interim” measure only for 2013, keeping in view the urgent need to remove the uncertainties from the minds of the students.

The new compromise formula allows only 150,000 of the toppers from JEE-Main to comptete in JEE-Advance the second leg of the 2-tier pattern with only considering the scores of later exam with the condition that the candidate must be within 20 top percentile of the board exam.

IIT-Kanpur while accepting this proposal as interim solutions suggested, for 2014 onwards a constitution of a senate committee will study all aspects of the admission process and arrive at recommendations. Further, it said the number of students to be filtered for the JEE-Advance exam in 2013 under the compromise format should be based on the nature of the test whether subjective or objective type, instead of proposed 150,000.

Meanwhile, Joint Admission Board is expected to meet soon to decide whether the test would be of subjective or objective type.

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