Off Campus Ragging Worries Educational Institutes

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anti-ragging portal oppose ragging Bullies have found out new ways to target freshers and juniors outside the institute premises, raising concerns and making authorities feel helpless despite a zero-tolerance policy in place against ragging.

Many college principals said the problem starts when students don’t report incidents of ragging and harassment to authorities due to fear. Most colleges have an anti-ragging squad but occurrence of such incidents outside the college campus is worrisome.

Over three years ago, University Grants Commission sent out circulars to all schools and colleges across the country about the ‘no-tolerance’ stand. Guidelines about what amounts to ragging and helpline numbers were shared with colleges. Students are made to attend orientation sessions every year where they are informed about what is meant by ragging and where to seek help.

UGC has recently launched Anti-Ragging Website recently at the hands of HRD Minister, Kapil Sibal. Students are advised to take the advantage of this site for reporting the instances of ragging without fear.

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