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According to a report published by
, at least 1 in 13 JEE Mains aspirants have received their exam admission cards either with wrong information or wrong photo or both. The exam is scheduled on 7th April, just after about 2 weeks from now.
While the total number of applicants for JEE Mains, a nationwide entrance examination for engineering and technology institutions including IITs, NITs and IIITs among others, is put at 12.8 lakhs this year. CBSE is conducting this first ever nationwide exam and the admission cards were available for candidates to download from the official site www.jeemain.nic.in , since March 6.
While CBSE officials are blaming the school administrations for the mess, whereas the TOI, report to be with a copy of a student’s application with correct photo in possession with them, prove the fact other way round.
The Admit Card for the candidates can be downloaded from the JEE website www.jeemain.nic.in . Students can email the CBSE about any discrepancy on the Admit Card at jeemain@nic.in by 25 March.
CBSE Helpline No: 8506061071-78 between (10.00 am to 5.30 pm) on working days during working hours.