Latest Educational News & Career Articles

Over 1000 Shortlisted Students Skip Online Counseling for IIT Admissions
1200 of the 17,464 shortlisted candidates stayed away from the online counseling for the admissions to the prestigious IITs, it was reported as the deadline for submitting the choice of…

Entry Level Admissions by Lottery – Maharashatra State
The admission process in schools in State of Maharashtra is going to change from the next academic year. The new rulebook says that, there will be no screening either of…

India Inc to Hire Agressively in Next Three Months
If a survey conducted by a recruitment firm, Manpower India is to be believed then the net employment outlook of +50% indicates that Indian employers are the most optimistic among…

Sibal Rules Out Rollback of Engineering JEE
The HRD Minister, Kapil Sibal made some tough talk on the issue of Joint Entrance Test for Engineering institutions and IITs while expressing his willingness to sort out the differences…

Higher Study Options for Diploma In Engineering
Most of the Diploma holders in Engineering want to upgrade to a degree in Engineering. This article may come as a guidance to those students. Upgrading to a degree certainly…