List/Grid Tag Archives: CBSE-PSA

CBSE Allows Visually Impaired Students to Use Own Computer
CBSE board exams for Std. X and XII are scheduled to begin tomorrow, 1st March. However there are couple of changes CBSE has introduced which shall be applicable to students…

No Separate Registration Required For CBSE PSA
CBSE Problem Solving Assessment Test (CBSE PSA), earlier which was an optional test, that students took to gauge their quantitative and qualitative skills, since have now been turned mandatory for…

Details of CBSE PSA Test For Class IX and XI
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released details on it mandatory Problem Solving Assessment Test (PSA Test) to be held on 14 February 2013, aimed to assess the…

Schedule For Optional Proficiency Test For Class X CBSE Students Announced
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Tuesday announced the schedule for optional proficiency tests for class X students to be held in April 2013 for the students who are appearing…

CBSE Seeks Integration of Its Vocational Course In Universities
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is seeking integration of its vocational courses with universities so that the board’s students can have incentives to take up those subjects. The…