List/Grid Tag Archives: Foreign University

Another Shady US University Shut Down For Immigration Fraud
After the Tri-Valley University of US which was shutdown by immigration authorities in 2011 for indulging into visa fraud, now another such school, operating on the similar mode but attracted…

Russell Group Universities Acccused of Bias
A recent research conducted by Durham University reveals that the Russell Group universities favour white pupils and those who study at private schools than blacks, Asians and state school pupils…

Study Abroad : Study in France
With the global education sector undergoing a substantial transformation, the focus of Indian students is shifting from traditional educational destinations like the UK, US and Australia. In fact, given the…

Indian Students Enrollment For Studies in British Universities Increase By 20%
With the time still not over until 30th June, the number of Indian students applying for studies in British Universities has reached 2601 so far. This is about 20% rise…

MCI Test Leaves 10,000 Doctors Holding Foreign Degree Jobless
A screening test, mandated by Medical Council of India (MCI), for practicing medicine in India, has come as huge stumbling block in the way of about 10,000 foreign-education doctors. Close to…