List/Grid Tag Archives: IIM

IIM-A Launches Incubation Program To Fund Start Ups
Premiere management institute, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIM-A) through its Centre for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship (CIIE) has launched a mentoring and funding program ‘The Last Mile Access Accelerator’…

IIMs To Award Degrees
Premiere management institutes in India, IIMs, which currently provide only diplomas and certificates, will start providing degrees, according to Rishikesha T Krishnan, Director at IIM Indore. The proposed bill is…

Tuition Fees At IIM Calcutta To Go Up Next Year
While claiming that IIM Calcutta (IIM-C) would still have the least fees for an MBA course after the rise among all the premiere central government sponsored business schools, if the…

Now E-Vouchers For CAT-2013
New this year, IIM has introduced sale of e-vouchers for CAT 2013 online starting from 5th August 2013. The window will remain open until 24 September 2013. However for those…

IIM Council To Be A Coordinating Unit Not Decision Making Authority
Government, Wednesday, in efforts to tame the controversy over the move of bringing in legislation to bring IIMs under an umbrella body, declared that the proposed IIM Council will be…