Third Edition of Central Teachers’ Eligibility Test on 18 Nov.

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Central Teachers' Eligibility Test in November The third edition of the Central Teachers’ Eligibility Test (CTET) shall be conducted on 18 November. The first-ever CTET was conducted in June 2011 and the second in January 2012. The exam conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is now a mandatory requirement for new recruitment of teachers in all affiliated schools. The CTET is held twice a year and its qualifying certificate is valid for seven years.

The major concern with the CTET has been its failure rate. In the first edition, about 86% of the candidates failed and in the second edition, the number went up to 94%. One of the major reasons for the failure rate being so high is that CTET requires a minimum 60% score for qualifying. There has also been 20% decline in the registration for the third edition of CTET as compared to the second edition, which is attributed to high failure rate by the experts. A CBSE official confirmed that about 8.38 lakh candidates have registered for the November CTET as compared to 10.58 lakhs registration for test in January 2012, a decline of little over 20%.

It had been made binding on all the CBSE schools that from next academic sessions they will only recruit teachers if they have cleared the CTET. However, Teachers already employed will not be affected by the CTET requirement. The current teachers would stand to loose this immunity if they wish to change the school, the circular says.

Download CTET Exam Admission Card From Here from 1 Nov. 2012

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